The F10 Fintech Incubator & Accelerator has nominated the St.Gallen-based startup actesy for its new program.
nominated. In addition, Fintech specialist Marc Lussy was newly elected to actesy's Advisory Board.
actesy AG on TV Ostschweiz
actesy AG in TV Ostschweiz explains how to protect oneself against cyber risks in times of home office due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
actesy in the startup focus of the HSG
With the series “HSG Startup in Focus”, the University of St. Gallen provides regular insights into companies founded by HSG alumni.actesy is also one of more than 100 HSG spin-offs and HSG alumni,whereby actesy aims to revolutionize IT integration with their unique technology.
Didn’t win and still a winner
A completely new experience for actesy and our team: To be a winner without having won the Diamond 2020. Peter Imthurn VRP of actesy AG explains why this is so.
actesy AG fights for the “starting field diamond”
actesy AG, St. Gallen, is one of five finalists in the “Starting Field Diamond” business prize for Eastern Switzerland awarded by the St. Gallen Kantonalbank together with the Starting Field Foundation. The aim of the prize for young companies, which is being offered for the ninth time, is to strengthen the innovative power of start-ups in Eastern Switzerland and to promote promising business models with prize money totalling 50,000 Swiss francs.
actesy AG is part of the weXelerate startup ecosystem
That was convincing in Vienna. The Swiss start-up actesy AG was able to assert itself in a group of around 250 young companies in the most recent tender of the Viennese Accelerator weXelerate for the next round of its four-month promotion programme.
actesy in the real estate letter Exporeal Special
After a holding period of approx. five to ten years, the main capital appreciation measures have been implemented, vacancy eliminated and rental income adjusted accordingly. Further increases in value are often no longer to be expected. This well-maintained and professionally prepared portfolio is therefore ideally suited for sale to a larger investor.
actesy in the real estate letter – integration for real estate software & in the Smart Home
actesy helps with the integration of heterogeneous Application worlds and the Smart Home
actesy in Swiss IT-Magazine: actesy connects digital worlds
Digitization is one of the greatest challenges facing companies in the 21st century to succeed. But what exactly does that mean? Peter Imthurn, Chairman of the Board of Directors and co-founder of the St. Gallen start-up actesy, has a simple but concise answer to this question: “Today, digitization is understood as letting systems that were not developed together work together.
Peter Imthurn goes on board at actesy AG
After 30 years of successful managerial activity in ERP projects, Peter Imthurn is now moving from ERP provider GUS Schweiz AG to actesy AG as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The startup, which was founded last year, aims with the actesy metadata framework at integration projects in the area of enterprise software.
actesy: The New Star of Application Integration
With actesy AG St. Gallen, there is a new star in the EAI sky today. With its revolutionary database- based software architecture, the start-up helps companies to renew existing application landscapes. EAI – or Enterprise Application Integration – aims to combine different business functions within the company.