ctesy AG, with its revolutionary technology, the innovative start-up from St. Gallen, strives to combine different business functions within companies and strives to support customers in the renewal of existing application landscapes. This involves the interaction of different software packages (software from different and/or the same providers) in a business process oriented context.
actesy’s metadata framework opens up completely new possibilities for integration, because the integration already takes place at the data level. From the user’s point of view, an easy-to-modify browser interface allows direct access to data and functions of the involved software packages without modification.
The application possibilities are almost unlimited: Whether the goal is to integrate existing applications, integrate additional solutions or modernize – and ultimately replace – obsolete applications. Peter Imthurn, Chairman of the Board of Directors of actesy AG is convinced that: Especially, in view of the digital change, in which additional functions and data providers have to be integrated in the overall context, actesy-Framework shows its strengths.
Project work Kinderwelten with the computer science students of the FHS With the project name “Kinderwelt” (children’s world), GUS Schweiz AG pursues the goal of creating an Internet platform based on actesy, which provides a wide range of products and services on the subject of children. The project aims to bring together as many people as possible who can make a valuable contribution to the future of our society, our children.
For the development of a sustainable solution, it was important to take into account future developments in the online sector. An existential component of this strategy is the aspect of gamification, which has been implemented in as many modules as possible. Based on research work, current trends were recorded and implemented at conceptual level.
The portfolio of modules includes a catalogue of 13 formulated sub-areas, which are shown in the graphic, as well as further basic functions. Thanks to its modular design, the range of products can be scaled to any size, enabling a product launch with a basic product and various expansion steps.
actesy AG, Connecting Digital Worlds actesy AG was founded in August 2017 from the experience of numerous ERP and digitization projects. actesy is a particularly suitable accelerator for this digital transformation. Because actesy can be used as a kernel for the digital revolution. actesy is an easy-to-use metadata framework that enables access to data, key figures and processes in real time via intuitive and flexible interfaces. actesy is able to map innovations and simplifications of core processes in companies. Many processes can be made simpler by using actesy and the duplication of data can be reduced.
actesy will already be operating locations in Switzerland, Germany and overseas by the end of the year. actesy, which is headquartered in St. Gallen, also has an office in Berlin. Well-known software consulting companies from all over the world apply for a partner contract for the ingenious metadata framework actesy© for business.
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