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Complete solution is Old School

SAP watch out! The business model of the full-service provider seems to be threatened with extinction. That, at least, is the quintessence of a study conducted by the Center for Enterprise Research at the University of Potsdam, which looked at motivation research in more than 1600 ERP projects and found out: The integration of existing individual solutions is indeed the main motive for the start of new ERP initiatives in medium-sized companies. However, the goal is no longer necessarily the acquisition of a complete solution, but the integration of heterogeneous worlds within the framework of a uniform process orientation. The alarm bells should ring at SAP,” says institute director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau and head of the long-term study, “because the desire for a complete solution from a single source can only be found in tenth place among the selection reasons.

The change in IT favor is easy to explain: Complete solutions have several decisive disadvantages, which are becoming increasingly negative in the wake of digital change in factories and offices:

Firstly, complete solutions are not necessarily the first choice in all disciplines in the functionality provided, which leads to sacrifices and concessions in industry suitability and benefits.

Secondly, complete solutions grow functionally more slowly than specialised solutions. Individual providers – not even SAP – can be leaders in all disciplines. One example of this is the billion-dollar acquisitions with which the large full-service providers are constantly trying to make up lost ground.

Thirdly, the integration of highly specialized individual solutions is becoming less and less complicated – yes, with the actesy metadata framework the integration of heterogeneous system worlds is even conceivably simple.

The multi-layer technology, which allows integration of existing applications both at data level and at functional level with end-to-end workflow management across different application worlds, as well as the ability to impose a uniform user interface across all individual applications, contributes to this.

In short: With the actesy metadata framework you get your individual complete solution without making any concessions to functionality or integrity. Those who want to forge heterogeneous infrastructures from centrally hosted enterprise solutions, mobile applications and cloud services – and put their trust in it: who wouldn’t want that? – can achieve more integration of application worlds with the actesy metadata framework than a full-service provider. Why: SAP and others find it extremely difficult to provide interfaces to competing solutions. With the actesy Metadate Framework you create your own interfaces. You can already fall back on more than 250 adaptors – APIs for the exchange between applications.

Among the ten most frequently mentioned motives for starting an ERP project – according to the CER study – there are seven problems that can be optimally cured with the actesy metadata framework, namely: “poor consistency”, “isolated solutions”, “interfaces between business processes”, “heterogeneous IT landscape”, “new business requirements”, “poor communication between legacy systems”.

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