The managers in the German-speaking countries are struggling with their digitization success. According to the IT trend study regularly conducted by Capgemini among around 100 IT managers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the project managers rate their progress to date in digitization as ” average “. This applies to both large and medium-sized companies. Nevertheless – or even more so – budgets will be significantly increased again this year. Every fifth euro or Swiss franc from IT budgets is reserved for digital change. In the case of global corporations, it is even 30 percent of the expenditure that flows primarily from the IT department. The specialist departments, on the other hand, make only a small financial contribution.
This may be due to the fact that major projects are traditionally entrusted to large service providers and software providers whose invoices overtax the budgets of the specialist departments. As a rule, these are the suppliers who have been in and out of the IT department for years and days and who occupy the customer parking spaces with their staffs of consultants. However, their objective is naturally more to preserve the existing installation base than to stand ready to use the digital transformation as a means of freeing themselves from their previous dependency on the system. On the contrary, in the end the dependency is even greater.
This lemming effect does not stop at the digital cliff either. The feeling that the long-standing consultant knows the company inside out prevails in the choice of supplier over actual innovations, with which digitization could also lead to new paths. This is reflected in the objectives with which the companies in the DACH region see their digitization projects: Increased efficiency, process optimization, improved customer relations. These are the classics of traditional management consulting. It is no surprise that the result is often perceived as “average “.
The search for new business fields, the change of the own product range in the direction of platform economy and services from the cloud seldom arrive at the German-speakers. The situation is different in the USA, where the objectives of “market expansion” and “sales growth” are the top priorities. One might conclude that European managers have already lost out to their US counterparts in the design of digital projects.
Because true innovations never come from the established, but from the newcomers who disruptively question and destroy existing structures. This is only natural: They don’t have to take into account the low willingness of their customer base to innovate, but can open up new business fields with new ideas and leverage existing industry mechanisms from the start.
We at actesy experience this every day. As a startup, we have set ourselves the goal of breaking down existing application structures and paving the way for digital transformation with small, cost-effective, but target-oriented projects. With the actesy metadata framework and the more than 250 actesy adaptors we create connections and full integration between the old monolithic architectures and the modern digital world in a few days, where others estimate hundreds of person days. Therefore: Connecting Digital Worlds.
However, at the same time, with more than 30 years of experience in implementing enterprise solutions, we have the background of established consultants. We simply rethought business software. Wherever data integration, new user interfaces, the linking of existing applications with new platforms in the cloud, at the edge or simply as a service are to be merged into modern digital worlds, we have our strengths. This is proven by our first-class projects in the automotive, mechanical engineering, real estate, banking and retail sectors: anything but average!
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See you on your next digital project!