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A Platform for Solutions

After the foundation of actesy in 2018, the past year was the year in which we developed the actesy metadata framework into a platform for solutions. Thus, our business success is now based on two pillars: on the one hand, the framework with which users can link their digital worlds on the data, function and process level; on the other hand, the standardized but individually adaptable solutions for the daily challenges of digital life.

actesy ValEasy

Especially in the life science industries it is necessary to prove the given functionality of software and the processes running on it. But also in other critical application areas it becomes more and more important to validate the correct process flow. With actesy ValEasy, these processes are executed automatically – no matter which or how many applications are involved in this sequence. At the same time, the work steps are documented and also the data access is recorded. And with a new release, the documentation can be restarted fully automatically.

actesy ExcelEasy

Microsoft’s spreadsheet program Excel is still the most frequently used business software – sometimes companies even entrust complex planning and production processes to spreadsheets. With the actesy ExcelEasy, the data integrated in Excel can be transferred to the database of the metadata framework, while the functionality of the Excel application is maintained. Moreover, the functions stored in Excel can be transferred into a separate application, so that a silver bullet is given to replace the often undocumented Excel tables.

actesy Smart Dashboard

In many business solutions, knowledge is slumbering which can only be raised with additional data analysis and controlling functions. With actesy Smart Dashboard, users have an easy way to read and evaluate the data material that is slumbering in ERP, CRM, merchandise management, logistics systems or financial accounting, to summarize it into key performance indicators (KPI) and to display it clearly in dashboards.

The dashboards are automatically updated when the data in the applications changes. This creates additional analysis options without the need to extend the actual business solutions.

actesy Invoice

Those who execute orders for the public authorities in the European Union and – analogously – in Switzerland must transmit the invoice in electronic form from this year at the latest. The highlight: thanks to the high flexibility of actesy Invoice, the sent invoices are compliant with the new VDA standard 4938, which replaces the previously common formats VDA 4906 and VDA 4908, the directive 2014/55/EU of 16 April 2014 on electronic invoicing for public contracts, the format preferred by the Forum elektronische Rechnung Deutschland (FeRD) for electronic invoices under the name “ZUGFeRD” as well as any other industry standard. With only one solution, different invoice formats can be extracted from the invoice data.

actesy Rights Management

With actesy Rights Management, access rights can be assigned on user level, process level and data level. The solution can be applied to any application and thus guarantees the highest possible security against unauthorized access even in complex, heterogeneous infrastructures of in-house IT, mobile applications and cloud services. More than 250 adaptors, which can be used to integrate practically all common applications, contribute to this flexibility.

Also in 2020 we will follow our company motto with further solutions on the actesy metadata framework: connecting digital worlds. And what can we do for you?

We look forward to hearing from you at

See you on your next digital project!


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